I’m a firm believer that the most effective way for us to improve as software engineers is to build software. However, I still publish free articles and videos to help supplement learning. And for that same reason, I’ll be offering courses of different kinds here. If you are using these materials to supplement your efforts in building things, then I think you’re on the right track!

Dometrain Courses

These are software engineering career courses and programming courses that are hosted on Dometrain. Dometrain courses are paid for and generally much longer and more in-depth than the other courses I will offer here. Nick Chapsas has created an *awesome* platform for getting some of the most experienced software engineers and software architects together to teach you about all of their experiences.

I’m proud to be a Dometrain course author and will happily continue to support the platform!

Career Courses

Getting Promoted as a Software Engineer

Learn techniques and practices to get your dream promotion in software engineering.

Nailing the Behavioral Interview

Prepare for and ace the behavioral part of your next software engineering interview.

Soft Skills for Software Engineers

Learn all the essential soft skills required for software engineers.

C# and DotNet Courses

From Zero to Hero: C# Course Bundle

All the courses you need to learn modern C#! This bundle contains the 'Getting Started' and 'Deep Dive' courses at a 20% discount!

Getting Started: C#

Learn everything you need to know to start programming with C#.

Deep Dive: C#

Dive deeper into C#'s feature set and learn more advanced features and patterns.

From Zero to Hero: Reflection in .NET

Learn how to use reflection in your codebases correctly to build incredible software.

From Zero to Hero: Refactoring for C# Developers

Learn how to refactor any C# codebase to make it more efficient, readable, and extendable.

Free Courses

These are software engineering courses and programming courses that are freely available to all! No membership. No cost. No strings attached.

Introduction To Software Development

This free mini-course is PERFECT for those considering a start in software development and learning about what it is.

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