Be a Better Programmer - Weekly Article Dump

Be a Better Programmer - Weekly Article Dump (Image by

Be a Better Programmer

It's a new year and that means it's all about resolutions, right? Well, I'm not a huge fan of keeping around a resolution that needs to wait for a new year, but I am a fan of reflecting on your goals and your skills. If you're a programmer like me, then maybe this will be a great starting point. In my weekly article dumps I usually would just provide a couple of comments on a link like this, but I felt I should dive in a little bit more. You can find the original article by Amy Jollymore over here. Please have a look! I shared it with the whole dev team at Magnet Forensics because I felt there was a little bit of something for everyone.

Number one on this list, and perhaps the one I'd personally like to focus on more out of this list, is checking your code before blaming others. Blaming other people--in general, not just programming--is an easy way out. When a problem occurs, it's simple to assume that all of your work is right and that it must be someone else's fault. But if everyone starts thinking like this, it turns into a nasty blame war. So next time the build breaks or your shiny new feature stops working as expected, don't go blaming other people. Investigate what the problem is. See what your most recent changes were and if they could have caused the problem. As you start to gain confidence that your changes aren't responsible for the issue, try sitting down with one or two other people you think might have been around the problem area recently--But don't go accusing them! Putting your heads together to figure out the problem can speed up the process and might even shed some light on some miscommunication over a design or some assumptions in the code that don't actually hold true. It's a lot more embarrassing to blame someone when it's actually your fault compared to putting in the effort and admitting you might have goofed up. Try it out!

Number two is also a great item. You should never put an end to your learning... especially as an individual in a technology space. There are so many great suggestions listed for this point that there's no point in me repeating them. Just go read them! An interesting point worth mentioning is using podcasts for learning. This is a great option if you find you're brain is still spinning when you lay down in bed or if you have a long commute to work (or something else you're involved in). The author also mentions that you don't need to be learning programming... What about domain expertise? If you're writing code for banks, lawyers, or digital forensics... Why  not learn about that too?!

The last point I'll touch on from the article is number three: don't be afraid to break things. I love this point. If you're working on a big piece of software, there are almost certainly areas that seem brittle, scary, or just plain incomprehensible. If your project is still small, it very well get to this point. It doesn't mean that the code is bad or that you're working with the worst programmers... It's just something that happens when you're continuously trying to build on your software. The real problem occurs when nobody is willing to take the time to go change things. If you have big scary brittle parts of code, then set aside some time, take a deep breath, and go refactor it! It might seem like hell at first, but once you get into it (and especially after it's done) you'll feel a million times better. Plus, now your code can continue to be built upon without people running in fear when you mention that section of code. Code can get nasty, but consider using a "tech debt" system or regularly set aside time for refactoring parts of your code base.

Again, the original article is located at: 7 Ways to be a Better Programmer in 2014. Check it out!


  • How to Manage Dynamic Tensions — and Master the Balancing Act: This was an interesting article on some parts of leadership that often oppose each other. Author Chris Cancialosi does an excellent job in discussing balance between internal and external influences as well as leading and managing. A good take away from this article is at least acknowledging that there are certainly some things to balance. You may want to have the most flexible team, but have you considered if there's a "too flexible"? Just a bit of perspective that this article might bring to light.
  • A Crash Course In Leadership For 20-Something CEOs: Barry Salzberg's article is geared toward young CEOs, but I think that means we can apply the lessons to anyone looking to lead! A few of the points I'd like to mention include being tough on problems and not on people. Your people are the one's who are going to solve problems and bring great ideas to the table. They'll invest their time into your organization in order to accomplish great things--so don't be hard on them. Instead, acknowledge that your problems and challenges are the things you want to crush, and work with your team to make sure you conquer every challenge that gets in the way of your goal. Another point is on taking risks. Never taking risks is a great way to stagnate. You need to learn from your failures, but keep pushing the boundaries. Finally, be ready to adapt. As your organization grows or as the market you're working within evolves, you need to be ready to adapt and change. You might get lucky and things don't change all that much over a long period of time, but the odds of that are pretty low. Be ready to adapt so when the time comes, you don't need to worry about everything falling apart.
  • Leading at Scale with Agility: Brad Smith has a few great points on what leading a team should encompass. First, a team should have a goal that it is trying to achieve. If that team is part of a larger organization, the team's goal should align with the goal of the entire organization. Secondly, decisions for the team should involve those on the team. It's easy to sit back and speculate what might be best, but why not involve the people directly affected? Of course, this is more difficult for large teams but maybe that's an indication your teams would be more effective if they were smaller. Next, empower teams to arrive at solutions on their own. If a plan worked out well, try communicating it to others to try out. Conversely, if the plan had some problems, let others on the team (or other teams) know about the hurdles. Finally, Brad has a point on trust. Trust is arguably one of the most important parts of leading a team. Each team member needs to be able to trust the others. There should be an easy assumption that everyone is operating with best intentions.
  • For Leaders, Today is History: In this article by Steven Thompson, he gives a high-level overview of his focus. Specifically, he focuses on the future and not right now. Steven says the teams he is in charge of are often looking at the problems of "right now" and perhaps a little bit in the future. It would be counter productive for him to try and butt-in to try helping with those problems because he's so far removed from them. Instead, those individuals have been empowered to focus on those problems. Instead, Steven focuses on the future--the direction of the teams. As a leader, it's important to try and be thinking at least one step ahead.
  • What If You Had to Write a "User Manual" About Your Leadership Style?: After I read Adam Bryant's article, I thought the idea of a leadership "user manual" would be pretty cool. Even if there isn't a single other individual who would benefit from it, at least it would help reveal to myself some of my leadership quirks. That's useful on it's own! I'll be sure to post up my leadership "user manual" when I have it complete... and I imagine I'll have to keep updating it over time as my style evolves. It'll be really interesting to see the evolution of my leadership style! Why not consider doing one for yourself?
  • What Bosses Should Never Ask Employees to Do: Jeff Haden's article was a little bit controversial in my opinion--and in the opinion of some of the commenters. I think I get the underlying message behind a lot of what Jeff is saying for each of his points, but as one commenter said, it sounds like a bit of a personal complaint the whole way through. Consider the topic of donating to charities at work. The feel I get after reading that segment is that your organization should not attempt to do fundraising through employees. While I don't actually think that's what Jeff is saying, that's how I feel after reading it. I know that we've been able to do several charity events at Magnet, and we've always said that they are completely voluntary. I think that's the crucial part. It's the holiday season and your budget is a bit tight? How could anyone get mad at you for backing out of a completely optional charity donation? Busy with some personal matters or want to focus on finishing up something at work the day we're doing a charity event? No big deal, it's optional. Anyway, the point is that perhaps based on the wording in the article, I felt like some of the messaging will be misinterpreted. I think there are some good points buried in there. Check it out and let me know if you agree or not!
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