How to Implement the Strategy Pattern in C# for Improved Code Flexibility

The Strategy Pattern is a behavioral design pattern that allows you to define a family of algorithms, encapsulate each one, and make them interchangeable within a codebase. The Strategy Pattern allows us to easily switch between different algorithms or strategies at runtime, resulting in improved code flexibility. In this article, I'll show how to implement the Strategy Pattern in C# along with information about the pattern in general

Let's jump right into it!

Understanding the Components of the Strategy Pattern

The three components of the Strategy pattern are the Context, Strategy, and Concrete Strategy. The Context class is responsible for receiving requests and assigning them to a particular strategy. The Strategy class defines the interface for each variation of the algorithm and the Concrete Strategy class implements the algorithm in question. These components work together to allow for flexibility in code.

Context Class

The Context class is responsible for keeping track of the current strategy and delegating requests to the correct strategy object. The Context class interfaces with clients and hides the implementation details of the strategies. It's important in the Strategy Pattern because it allows for multiple algorithms to be interchangeable easily without affecting the client's code.

Strategy and Concrete Strategy Classes

The Strategy class defines a common interface for all concrete strategies. Each Concrete Strategy Class implements the operations defined by the Strategy class. The Strategy class allows for multiple algorithm implementations without modification of context. This Object-Oriented Programming (OOP) principle, named Liskov Substitution Principle (LSP), is important for creating maintainable and extensible software.

As an example, consider a photo editing application. The Context class could include various image filters to apply to the photos (e.g., contrast, brightness, and saturation). The Context class would handle the user's requests for the filters but utilize the appropriate Concrete Strategy Class to execute the request.

The OOP principle of inheritance could be used in designing the Concrete Strategy classes. A parent class would outline the implementation for a general filter, whereas subclasses would specify details unique for specific filters. The filter subclasses would only need to worry about implementing the filter-specific details, making maintenance and extension simpler.

Implementing the Strategy Pattern in C#

To implement the Strategy Pattern in a C# codebase, we need to define the three components of the pattern - the Context, Strategy, and Concrete Strategy classes. Here's some example code to demonstrate these classes in action:

 public interface IStrategy
    void Execute();

public class ConcreteStrategyA : IStrategy
    public void Execute()
        Console.WriteLine("Executing Concrete Strategy A");

public class ConcreteStrategyB : IStrategy
    public void Execute()
        Console.WriteLine("Executing Concrete Strategy B");

public class Context
    private readonly IStrategy strategy;

    public Context(IStrategy strategy)
        this.strategy = strategy;

    public void ExecuteStrategy()

static void Main(string[] args)
    var context = new Context(new ConcreteStrategyA());

    context = new Context(new ConcreteStrategyB());

This code defines the three components of the Strategy Pattern, with IStrategy being the Strategy interface, ConcreteStrategyA and ConcreteStrategyB being the implementations of that interface, and Context being the class that holds a reference to the particular IStrategy concrete implementation.

A key benefit of using the Strategy Pattern is that it provides flexibility in our codebase. By defining the interface and concrete implementation classes separately, we can change the behavior of our application by injecting different concrete implementations of our interface into our Context class. This may allow for our code more modular and extensible.

However, there are pitfalls to avoid when implementing the Strategy Pattern. One important one is to ensure that your concrete classes are designed in a way that follows Object-Oriented Programming principles, particularly the Single Responsibility Principle. Keeping these principles in mind will make our codebase more maintainable and easier to extend.

E-Commerce Example of the Strategy Pattern in C#

In this section, I'll frame up how the Strategy Pattern can be implemented in a real-world example. Let's consider a scenario where we're building an e-commerce website, and we have a promotion system that offers different discounts to customers based on their membership tier. We can use the Strategy Pattern to simplify the code and make it more flexible.

Code Example of the Strategy Pattern in C#

We can start by creating a Context class that will manage the promotion system and apply the discount based on the user's membership tier. The Context class will have a reference to the Strategy class that will perform the discounts. In this example, the Strategy class could be named MembershipTierDiscountStrategy, which takes the user's membership tier as input and applies the appropriate discount.

First, define an interface for the discount strategy:

public interface IDiscountStrategy
    decimal ApplyDiscount(decimal originalPrice);

Then, create concrete strategies for different membership tiers:

public class BronzeMembershipDiscount : IDiscountStrategy
    public decimal ApplyDiscount(decimal originalPrice)
        return originalPrice * 0.90M; // 10% discount for bronze members

public class SilverMembershipDiscount : IDiscountStrategy
    public decimal ApplyDiscount(decimal originalPrice)
        return originalPrice * 0.85M; // 15% discount for silver members

public class GoldMembershipDiscount : IDiscountStrategy
    public decimal ApplyDiscount(decimal originalPrice)
        return originalPrice * 0.80M; // 20% discount for gold members

Next, implement the Context class:

public class DiscountContext
    private IDiscountStrategy _discountStrategy;

    public DiscountContext(IDiscountStrategy discountStrategy)
        _discountStrategy = discountStrategy;

    public void SetDiscountStrategy(IDiscountStrategy discountStrategy)
        _discountStrategy = discountStrategy;

    public decimal ApplyDiscount(decimal originalPrice)
        return _discountStrategy.ApplyDiscount(originalPrice);

Finally, demonstrate how the pattern works in practice:

public class Program
    public static void Main()
        var originalPrice = 100M;

        var bronzeDiscount = new BronzeMembershipDiscount();
        var silverDiscount = new SilverMembershipDiscount();
        var goldDiscount = new GoldMembershipDiscount();

        var discountContext = new DiscountContext(bronzeDiscount);
        Console.WriteLine("Bronze Discount: " + discountContext.ApplyDiscount(originalPrice));

        Console.WriteLine("Silver Discount: " + discountContext.ApplyDiscount(originalPrice));

        Console.WriteLine("Gold Discount: " + discountContext.ApplyDiscount(originalPrice));

This code example demonstrates how the Strategy Pattern in C# allows for flexible and maintainable discount strategies for different membership tiers in an e-commerce website. It simplifies the process of applying discounts and makes it easy to introduce new discount strategies without altering existing code.

Benefits of the Strategy Pattern for the E-Commerce Site

By using the Strategy Pattern, we can easily switch between different discount strategies, such as seasonal discounts or flash sales, without modifying the Context class. We can also add new discount strategies without affecting the existing code. This provides a lot of flexibility in the codebase, making it easier to maintain and extend in the future.

Another benefit of using the Strategy Pattern in this example is that it simplifies the code. Instead of having a switch statement to check the user's membership tier and apply the appropriate discount, we can encapsulate that behavior in the MembershipTierDiscountStrategy class. This makes the code easier to read and maintain.

Finally, using the Strategy Pattern allows the code to be easily extended. For example, we could add a LoyaltyPointsDiscountStrategy to apply discounts based on the user's loyalty points balance. We can add this functionality without modifying the existing code and without affecting the existing discount strategies.

Wrapping Up The Strategy Pattern in C#

In this article, I covered how to implement the Strategy Pattern in C# for improved code flexibility. We began by understanding the Strategy Pattern's three components, namely the Context, Strategy, and Concrete Strategy. Then, we jumped into the advantages of the Strategy Pattern and how to implement it in C# code with a really generic example. After we spiced things up with a more realistic example of how this could be implemented.

The Strategy Pattern provides code flexibility that allows us to write code that is not only maintainable but also extendable. By implementing this pattern, software engineers can create code that is robust and streamlined. Although the implementation can be tricky, the benefits outweigh the costs.

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