AI Tools Are Wrecking Junior Developers! - Dev Leader Weekly 70
Welcome to another issue of Dev Leader Weekly! In this issue, I discuss my take on AI tools and getting started as a software developer.
Welcome to another issue of Dev Leader Weekly! In this issue, I discuss my take on AI tools and getting started as a software developer.
Welcome to another issue of Dev Leader Weekly! In this issue, I discuss the things I wish I knew before becoming a software engineering manager.
Welcome to another issue of Dev Leader Weekly! In this issue, I discuss fixing an issue in production is WAY harder than just following a tutorial on a happy path.
Welcome to another issue of Dev Leader Weekly! In this issue, I discuss how codebases grow in complexity with an example -- AND what to do!
Welcome to another issue of Dev Leader Weekly! In this issue, I discuss the lessons I've learned while building a SaaS
Welcome to another issue of Dev Leader Weekly! In this issue, I discuss the differences between environments where there is blame vs radical accountability.
Welcome to another issue of Dev Leader Weekly! In this issue, I discuss how focusing on roadblocks instead of solution seeking can grind engineering teams to a halt.
Welcome to another issue of Dev Leader Weekly! In this issue, I discuss situations where we may or may not want or need to write tests!
Welcome to another issue of Dev Leader Weekly! In this issue, I discuss how to try and improve from failed interview experiences as software engineers.
Welcome to another issue of Dev Leader Weekly! In this issue, I discuss how to be curious when joining a team and not belittle others.
Welcome to another issue of Dev Leader Weekly! In this issue, I discuss common behavioral interview questions in big tech and my thoughts on them!
Welcome to another issue of Dev Leader Weekly! In this issue, I discuss the importance of working in areas you're uncomfortable in to gain more experience.
Welcome to another issue of Dev Leader Weekly! In this issue, I celebrate 4 years at Microsoft and what I learned from being in Big Tech so far!
Welcome to another issue of Dev Leader Weekly! In this issue, I discuss the basic building blocks for building a Web API in DotNet!
Welcome to another issue of Dev Leader Weekly! In this issue, I discuss behavioral interview tips for software engineers!
Welcome to another issue of Dev Leader Weekly! In this issue, I discuss behavioral interview tips for software engineers!
Welcome to another issue of Dev Leader Weekly! In this issue, I plugin architecture in DotNet based on a presentation I did in Dallas!
Welcome to another issue of Dev Leader Weekly! In this issue, I discuss how situations like the CrowdStrike outage can reinforce our safe deployment practices.
Welcome to another issue of Dev Leader Weekly! In this issue, I discuss the first full year of Dev Leader Weekly and how content creation changed my life.
Welcome to another issue of Dev Leader Weekly! In this issue, I discuss different scenarios where I built my own vs when companies decide to build vs buy.
Welcome to another issue of Dev Leader Weekly! In this issue, I discuss my mid-year retrospective and how retrospectives can help YOU!
Welcome to another issue of Dev Leader Weekly! In this issue, I discuss various actionable code review culture tips!
Welcome to another issue of Dev Leader Weekly! In this issue, I discuss ways you can leverage AI as a developer and things to avoid too!
Welcome to another issue of Dev Leader Weekly! In this issue, I discuss why it's important to be kind to yourself as a software engineer looking to improve.
Welcome to another issue of Dev Leader Weekly! In this issue, I discuss focus areas for junior developers to consider for becoming more effective.
Welcome to another issue of Dev Leader Weekly! In this issue, I discuss why feedback is important at all levels of engineering AND how it works two ways.
How can we use Dapper and strongly typed IDs from the StronglyTypedId package? Let's see if we can generalize the guidance from the original author!
Welcome to another issue of Dev Leader Weekly! In this issue, I discuss developer burnout and what you can do about it in your career!
How can you use an IServiceCollection in console applications to get dependency injection? Is this a viable option if you don't want to use Autofac?
Welcome to another issue of Dev Leader Weekly! In this issue, I discuss imposter syndrome and how it affects you as a software engineer.
Welcome to another issue of Dev Leader Weekly! In this issue, I discuss the idea of the best software engineers being replaceable but indispensable.
Learn how to use Autofac ComponentRegistryBuilder in ASP.NET Core! We'll see how we can move closer to getting the C# plugin architecture support we want!
Learn how to use Autofac ContainerBuilder in ASP.NET Core to wire up dependency injection. I'll explore what we can and cannot do with this approach!
Learn how to use AutofacServiceProviderFactory in ASP.NET Core for dependency injection! This article explains how to set it up along with the pros and cons.
This article is a high-level view of my career journey going from startups to Big Tech -- landing a principal software engineering manager role at Microsoft.
Welcome to another issue of Dev Leader Weekly! In this issue, I answer the question of how much math do you need to program -- with help from Twitter.
Learn how to use MudBlazor with Blazor interactive SSR! Blazor's Server Side Rendering can be used alongside MudBlazor for building your next Blazor app!
Learn how exception handling works in C# with the basics of try catch. This article is perfect for junior software engineers aiming to understand dotnet and C#.
Learn how to effectively convert a string to a byte array in C#! While it might seem straightforward on the surface, we have encodings to consider!
Welcome to another issue of Dev Leader Weekly! In this issue sponsored by Zuplo, I share how I'm putting an API gateway in front of my ASCII art API!
Just how easy is it to make an API gateway in Zuplo? Zuper eazy. Check out how I'm making an ASCII art API with Zuplo as my API gateway!
Want to add API key authentication middleware into your ASP.NET Core application? Check out this article for a simple code example that shows you how!
This article is a list of things that I wish that I understood earlier in my career. There's no time machine, but I can share them with you!
Welcome to another issue of Dev Leader Weekly! In this issue, I share with you 5 things I've changed my mind about in my career!
I tried to get C# regular expression benchmarks in my original article, but messed up a critical assumption. Let's see how to fix that and get the real data!
Regular expressions are powerful for pattern matching, but what about performance? Check out this article for details on C# regex performance from benchmarks!
Welcome to another issue of Dev Leader Weekly! In this issue, I discuss the third of a 3-part series with a focus on actions once you start working!
Check these examples of composition in C#! Learn about composition in object-oriented programming with these simple code examples in C# - perfect for beginners!
See examples of inheritance in C# in this introductory guide to object oriented programming. Learn about when to use inheritance in C# and... when not to!
Check out these 3 simple examples of regular expressions in C#! If you're new to regex and coding in CSharp, these are a perfect starting point for you!
Regular expressions are powerful for pattern matching, but what are the regex options in C# that we have access to? What do they do and how can we use them?
Check out these benchmarks measuring collection initializer performance in C#. How the heck did I speed up C# collection initialization by 87%?!
Welcome to another issue of Dev Leader Weekly! In this issue, I discuss the second of a 3-part series with a focus on actionable interview tips!
See code examples for C# collection initializers and collection expressions! Compare and contrast the readability of these different examples.
Curious about C# MongoDB insert benchmarks? In this article, I show you BenchmarkDotNet code and the results for several variations of inserting data!
Learn how to use C# Testcontainers for MongoDB! If you're developing a dotnet application and want to use MongoDB, Testcontainers can be a HUGE asset!
See code examples for how to delete documents from MongoDB in C#. This article covers the basics of different methods you can use to delete records from Mongo!
See code examples for how to update MongoDB documents in C#. This article covers the basics of different methods you can use to update records.
Learn the basics of MongoDB Filtering in C# with simple code examples! See how to use the MongoDB FilterDefinitionBuilder to support filtering in MongoDB.
Welcome to another issue of Dev Leader Weekly! In this issue, I discuss the first of a 3-part series with a focus on getting visibility when applying for jobs.
This article explains the basics of inserting documents into MongoDB in C#. See code examples of InsertOne, InsertMany, and their async counterparts.
Running into issues with your Blazor render mode? In my case, I didn't even know it was breaking my dependency injection AND my event handlers. My error though!
See how you can use MudBlazor list items to make awesome GUIs! Properly leverage the MustList and MudListItem controls to get custom user interfaces!
Learn how to use Autofac in ASP NET Core applications with only a couple of lines of code! Avoid this common problem when setting up dependency injection.
Check out these 7 C# project ideas for beginners to help escape from tutorial hell! These C# project ideas will give you hands-on practice writing software.
Using reflection in DotNet to create object instances? See the performance of ConstructorInfo compared to other methods provided by reflection in DotNet!
Welcome to another issue of Dev Leader Weekly! In this issue, I share things to focus on and actions you can take when you have a new manager on your team.
Let's compare Activator.CreateInstance vs Type.InvokeMember! Check out this head to head battle for ways to create instances using reflection in dotnet!
Learn how to safely use async event handlers in C#. Understand the dangers and discover best practices for managing async event handlers in your C# code.
Learn about plugin architecture in C# to create extensible apps! This article provides examples with code snippets to explain how to start with C# plugins.
Learn how to automatically cast between types in C#! Leveraging implicit operators in C#, we can do away with explicit casts to convert between types.
Welcome to another issue of Dev Leader Weekly! In this issue, I share actionable advice for software engineers based on my own management journey.
Learn about the Facade design pattern in C# and how it simplifies complex subsystems. Check out these 4 code examples to see how the facade pattern in C# works!
Learn why async void methods in C# can be dangerous with clear code examples. A perfect for beginner software engineers wanting to understand the risks.
See how to use the Extract Method refactoring technique to get started on your journey to being more skilled at refactoring! Check out this C# code example!
Learn how to use BenchmarkDotNet to effectively create and run benchmarks on your C# code. Dig into where you have opportunities to optimize your C# code!
Learn how to perform implicit conversions by using implicit operators in C#. This is a helpful feature that can enhance readability when done with care.
Learn how to use Polly in C# to handle faults and retries with ease! Check these 3 code examples showcasing different use cases of Polly in C#!
Welcome to another issue of Dev Leader Weekly! In this issue, I discuss how I intend to apply a Growth Mindset to learning Rust to support my team.
Learn how to use Scrutor in C# for dependency injection with these 3 simple tips. Try out Scrutor in your next C# application and simplify your registrations!
Learn about efficiently refactoring C# code with these 4 simple techniques! Follow along with code examples that show you how to approach refactoring.
Leverage Activator.CreateInstance in C#, part of reflection in C#, to create object instances! This beginner's guide walks you through simple C# code examples.
Dive into async await in C# with these 3 beginner tips. Learn how to write async await code, handle multiple exceptions, and avoid dreaded deadlocks!
Reflection in C# is powerful, but with great power comes great responsibility. Check out these 4 quick examples of reflection in C# to see it in action!
Learn how to use Autofac in C# for dependency injection! Check out these three code examples to help you get started with dependency injection in C#.
Welcome to another issue of Dev Leader Weekly! In this issue, I discuss my experience as an engineering manager and engineers going from mid to senior engineer.
Scrutor vs Autofac in C#! Which one comes out on top between these two solutions for dependency injection in dotnet? See how each are used with code examples!
Considering C# as you get started on your programming journey? This article is focused on C# for beginners, and I've included 5 concepts from C# with code!
Learn about IServiceCollection in C# and dependency injection. See how Dependency Inversion, Single Responsibility, and Open/Closed Principles fit together!
Use Testcontainers in ASP.NET Core testing to get better coverage! Learn how to simulate dependencies, test in parallel, and integrate with CI/CD tools!
Welcome to another issue of Dev Leader Weekly! In this issue, I dive into the sunk cost fallacy, how it affected me, and how it may affect you!
Leverage NUNit in ASP.NET Core for crafting reliable code with confidence! Learn to create tests, use advanced techniques, and improve your code quality!
Interested in using Google Drive and Google Sheets in C#? Get started with the Google Sheets API to access spreadsheets in C# in your own dotnet applications!
Are you struggling with memory leaks due to your event handlers and events in C#? Check out how weak events in C# can help with garbage collection in your apps!
Learn how to leverage xUnit in ASP.NET Core tests with simple code examples. See how to write easy-to-understand test code and cover your ASP.NET Core apps!
Welcome to another issue of Dev Leader Weekly! In this issue, I dive into how we can use entity framework core in our Blazor application!
Learn about WebApplicationFactory in ASP.NET Core and leveraging it for testing. Use an HttpClient and implement the tips in this article for better tests!
Learn about the CQRS pattern in C# and Clean Architecture for better software development. Get code examples and best practices to improve your skills today!
Explore the integration of C# Clean Architecture with MediatR for maintainable, scalable code! Learn how these work together with C# code examples!
Integrate the Unit of Work Pattern in C# with Clean Architecture for efficient programming. Learn benefits and check out C# code examples to avoid mistakes.
Welcome to another issue of Dev Leader Weekly! In this issue, I dive into how I modified the Blazor plugins we created to work with Quartz for job scheduling!
Discover the benefits of middleware in ASP.NET Core, including flexibility and modularity. Learn about middleware like authentication and logging!
Learn about different types of middleware and how to implement custom middleware in ASP.NET Core to solve common challenges in web development!
Are you killing collaboration on your software engineering teams when it comes to problem solving? Don't multiple a negative impact! Let's fix it.
Looking to implement the Memento Pattern in C#? Learn about its origin and principles, and the different components & steps to implementation!
Informal leadership in software engineering is a critical part of becoming more senior in your role. But what's involved and why is it so beneficial?
Welcome to another issue of Dev Leader Weekly! In this issue, we celebrate the winner of the dotUltimate license and talk about collaboration killers.
Learn how to implement the Composite Pattern in C#! This article explores the pros and the cons of this design pattern and how it works in C#. Check it out!
Organize your code with the Command Pattern in C#! Learn what the Command Pattern in C# is and the design principles it follows. Understand the pros and cons!
Welcome to another issue of Dev Leader Weekly! In this issue, we'll look at doing a spike of our Blazor web application!
Improve your software engineering soft skills -- essential to your career success. Learn about effective communication, teamwork, adaptability, and more.
Welcome to another issue of Dev Leader Weekly! In this issue, we'll continue to explore iterators and moving to a paging approach in C#!
Learn about the pipeline design pattern in C#. Discover how to create and chain pipeline stages. Get code examples, tips, and use cases for this design pattern.
Learn about the Specification Design Pattern in C# and its benefits for your code. See how this pattern can improve code quality and how to implement it!
What does yield do in C#? Explore the benefits of using C# yield keyword with large datasets and best practices for implementation. One more tool to leverage!
What is Inversion of Control? Learn about Inversion of Control (IOC) and Dependency Injection and how it can be applied in real-world scenarios.
Welcome to another issue of Dev Leader Weekly! In this issue, we'll continue to explore iterators and moving to a paging approach in C#!
This is an exclusive article for Dev Leader Weekly readers! Take back control of your career progression with Brag Documents!
Use the Chain of Responsibility pattern in C# to streamline your application architecture. Discover the benefits, key components, and best practices!
Explore foreach loops in C# and how they simplify iterating through collections and arrays. Learn the basics of foreach loops and how to avoid common mistakes.
Learn how to format a string as Base64 in CSharp, including examples of encoding and decoding strings. Improve your coding skills with these practical tips!
Wondering how to compare strings in CSharp? We'll compare using string.Equals(), string.Compare(), and == operator to weigh the pros and the cons.
This is the big one! Check out this list of programming design patterns you can leverage in your software development! Understand each design pattern in depth!
Welcome to another issue of Dev Leader Weekly! In this issue, we'll continue to explore iterators and moving to a paging approach in C#!
This is an exclusive article for Dev Leader Weekly readers! Check out some API design considerations when moving to a paging API from iterators!
Learn effective strategies and tips for how to understand a new codebase. From reading documentation to pair-programming, you'll learn the necessary tools!
Learn when should code be refactored and the risks and benefits involved in doing so. Discover situations that call for refactoring and ways to minimize risks!
Learn about the factory pattern! This article showcases several examples of the factory pattern in C# so that you can better understand this design pattern!
Learn why test coverage can be misleading and the importance of balancing testing strategies to ensure maximum code quality and full bug detection.
Welcome to another issue of Dev Leader Weekly! In this issue I'll dive into IEnumerable and iterators. Buckle up for this one!
We're done with excuses! No more claims that when dealing with legacy code your changes can't be tested! Check out this strategy to make anything more testable.
Discover what is the Factory Software Pattern in C# and when it should be implemented. Learn about the benefits and drawbacks of this pattern in detail!
Welcome to another issue of Dev Leader Weekly! In this issue I'll dive into software engineering documentation and my approach!
So, what is the adapter design pattern? Why use the adapter pattern? In this article, we'll look at one of the popular design patterns in detail!
Welcome to another issue of Dev Leader Weekly! In this issue I'll dive into situation that resulted a series of bugs and how I navigated them.
Check out this example vertical slice architecture in ASP.NET core! Together we'll look at building a flight booking app using vertical slice architecture.
The Visitor Pattern is a very handy design pattern! Check out the examples of the visitor pattern in C# in this article to solidify your understanding!
Learn how code refactoring can simplify code, improve maintainability and readability, enhance efficiency, reduce complexity, and prevent bugs.
Learn how to make your code more readable, flexible, and maintainable with CSharp optional parameters. Check out these examples of optional parameters in C#!
Welcome to another issue of Dev Leader Weekly! In this issue I'll dive into comparing unit testing vs functional testing!
So exactly what does refactoring code mean? In this article, we'll walk through what it means to refactor code along with risks and best practices to refactor.
In this article, I'll review the best practices for refactoring legacy code to reduce technical debt, overcome challenges, and how to prioritize refactoring.
Let's analyze pros and cons of rewriting vs refactoring code! Balancing project timelines, resources, and requirements is key for successful execution!
Welcome to another issue of Dev Leader Weekly! In this issue we'll look at refactoring and how to effectively prioritize tech debt.
Learn when to refactor code! Discover indicators that code needs refactoring, techniques for refactoring, and best practices for achieving long-term benefits.
Check out this article to see how we can use System.Reactive (Rx) to implement the observer pattern to deal with event-driven scenarios! Source code included!
Learn how the Strategy Pattern in C# provides flexibility! Let's explore an example of the strategy pattern in C# along with the pros and cons of using it!
What is refactoring? Learn about the art of refactoring and the benefits it can bring to your code. Discover what makes effective refactoring in this article.
Let's explore examples of the Mediator Pattern in C#! See how the Mediator Pattern in C# can promote loose coupling, and increase scalability.
Simplify your code with the remove control flag refactoring technique in C#. See the benefits of removing control flags in this guide to applying the technique.
Welcome to another issue of Dev Leader Weekly! In this issue we'll look at my career journey and number of promos to be at principal level.
Check our these examples of the observer pattern in C#! Learn how the observer pattern in C# can simplify the usage of events in your next project!
Discover how to master the CSharp switch statement to make your code more effective and efficient. Follow along with C# switch statement examples!
Discover the benefits of using enums in CSharp, how to declare them step-by-step with examples, and the different types of enums available in this article!
Discover these top 10 refactoring techniques used by software engineers. Learn to refactor with confidence and make your code cleaner and more maintainable.
Welcome to another issue of Dev Leader Weekly! In this issue we'll look managing your competing work streams and your calendar!
Looking for an online C# compiler? DotNetFiddle is a convenient online C# compiler that's free to use. But what are all of the features of DotNetFiddle?
Welcome to another issue of Dev Leader Weekly! In this issue we'll look at Enums and why you're probably using them wrong!
Looking for a kickstart to your vertical slice architecture in your next ASP.NET project? Check our this vertical slice project template to get started!
In this CSharp switch statement tutorial, you'll learn how to properly use switch statements in your programs. Explore examples, features, and best practices!
Looking for inspiration for your next project? Look no further! This article provides tips on how to stay creative and generate ideas for programming projects!
Unit test your Blazor project! Improve code quality and catch bugs early with improved test coverage. Check out this Blazor unit testing tutorial now!
Welcome to another issue of Dev Leader Weekly! We'll dive into a sample project you can download to use as a vertical slice template!
Looking to enhance your C# coding skills? Learn how to use enums in Csharp with this beginner guide, including best practices, limitations, and examples.
Improve your Blazor unit testing! Look no further than this article on Blazor unit testing with bUnit. Get started from scratch and write useful tests!
Understand the ideas behind managing technical debt and learn techniques to effectively track and prioritize it. Don't keep ignoring technical debt!
Discover the easiest programming languages to learn in this beginner-friendly guide. From Python to JavaScript, let's see what options we have to work with!
Learn about exceptions in CSharp and effective exception handling. We'll cover try-catch blocks and other tips for working with exceptions in C#!
Check this out to learn how to balance technical debt through helpful strategies and best practices for product development. Align with your stakeholders today!
Want to simplify complex subsystems in your C# project? Learn about the Facade Pattern in C#. Explore an implementation and real-world examples in this article!
In this article, you'll explore the importance of Blazor unit testing and learn about Blazor unit testing best practices. Get started with Blazor today!
Let's learn how to make a budgeting app in C#! We'll dive into ASP.NET Core Blazor, the basics of the app, and even VPS hosting options like RackNerd!
Wondering, "How can I write code on my phone"? Learn how to write code on your phone with DotNetFiddle! Perfect for beginner C# devs without a laptop/desktop!
Learn how to build a personal website in Blazor and ASP.NET Core to show case your skills and experiences. Get started with our ASP.NET Core tutorial today!
Learn how to call JavaScript from Blazor web assembly using JavaScript Interop in this guide! Perfect for developers learning more about Blazor web assembly!
Explore examples of Vertical Slice architecture in C#. Weigh the pros and cons of using Vertical Slice Architecture in C# by following along with some examples.
See how to use DotNetFiddle, a leading online C# compiler. Develop, test, and share code! We'll answer what is DotNetFiddle in the world of online C# compilers.
Vertical slice development can unlock your team's ability to deliver value to customers faster. Read this article for how to incorporate vertical slicing!
Learn how to organize code for vertical slices and use Autofac modules effectively. Discover how this improves code maintainability and enhances collaboration!
Interested in unit testing in C#? Let's look at xUnit and Moq for unit testing! We'll explore mocking external dependencies and the role of these in unit tests.
Let's answer "What are the principles of programming languages" so that you, as a beginner, can help decide how to navigate selection of programming languages.
Learn how to make a todo list in C# using ASP.NET Core and tackle data binding and user interface design. Blazor todo list - Perfect for a beginner portfolio!
Interested in an introduction to software development? Need those first steps in programming? Then check out this beginner's guide to software engineering!
Let's implement a vertical slice architecture in C#! We start by defining vertical slice architecture & dive into a C# vertical slice example. Let's dive in!
If you want to see examples of the builder pattern in C#, dive into this article. We'll explore how the builder pattern in C# works with code examples!
The builder pattern is a design pattern that helps us create complex objects. Let's dive into the builder design pattern, one of many awesome design patterns!
For junior devs, design patterns are critical for you to learn. Consider the facade Pattern! Let's explore the basics of the facade design pattern together!
Whether you're a new developer or an industry professional, we often find ourselves balancing workplace based learning and side projects. What's the right way?
In this article, we'll see how we can use an ASP.NET Core Blazor RenderFragment alongside plugins to dynamically load HTML into our applications!
Choosing a programming language from the many programming languages is daunting. Then beginners ask: How many languages should I learn at once? Let's find out!
If you want to get started with web development in dotnet core, check this out! We'll get you up and running in VS Code for ASP.NET Core web development!
If you want to get started with web development in dotnet core, check this out! We'll get you up and running in Visual Studio for ASP.NET Core web development!
Interested in learning coding but you've been told it's too hard? This article focused on how to learn coding for beginners - and yes, YOU can code!
If you're a programmer dealing with converting bytes to and from strings, you'll deal with character encodings. But in the ASCII vs UTF8 debate, who wins?
If you're looking to create and analyze dotnet benchmarks, you'll want to get started with BenchmarkDotNet. We'll explore benchmarking in C# to get you started!
Want to have a plugin architecture that supports dynamic loading for Blazor? Follow this tutorial for a Blazor plugin architecture that leverages Autofac!
Like building ASP.NET web applications and want to maximize extensibility? This guide is a how-to on using a plugin architecture in Blazor. Check it out!
While I promote interfaces in C#, it felt necessary to cover the drawbacks of using interfaces in C#. Let's explore the drawbacks to using interfaces in C#!
Whether it's an ASP.NET Core or console app, we can use the decorator pattern with Autofac for powerful results! Let's explore an Autofac example for each!
Learning about Object Oriented Programming? We'll cover what are classes in C# and look at OOP and interfaces in C# to learn about when we should use them!
Want to learn how to start coding, but you're not sure where to start? Maybe you've heard that it's really hard... Well, You should start coding!
If you like the sound of flexibility, modularity, and extensibility then the plugin architecture design pattern is something you're going to want to check out!
Want to know how the decorator pattern works? Let's check out an Autofac example in C# where we can get the decorator pattern with Autofac working!
Life in software development is full of problem-solving and excitement, but there are plenty of questions about concerns that can arise. Check them out!
Want to know how you can deliver value to your end users rapidly? Let's dive into vertical slices and see what high performing engineering teams are using!
Have you ever wanted to change a picture into ASCII art? Now you can with your very own C# program that can generate ASCII art! Sample code included!
Want more flexible, extensible, and testable code? We'll use Autofac net core! What is Autofac? It's a powerful Dependency Injection framework in dotnet!
In programming, this struggle is real: How to balance learning theory with building things? How do you actively learn and balance it with practical application?
Are you a beginner programmer? If so, you'd benefit from applying all of the theoretical knowledge you're gaining by building projects! Check out this list!
In C#, how can we balance asynchrony and laziness? Is there such a thing as async lazy? Let's explore our options built into dotnet!
Let's dive into the plugin architecture design pattern, exploring how it can be leveraged in ASP.NET Core to create more flexible and maintainable applications.
Exceptions and exception handling are a core part of C# and many other programming languages. But what If we didn't need to be throwing them?
Want to see how implicit operators work in C#? Check out this example code to see how you can make a multi-type object in dotnet that uses implicit operators!
The facade pattern is useful for hiding complexity by moving dependencies behind an API. Let's dive into the facade design pattern in C# in this article!
I wanted to create a follow-up post in my series on IEnumerables, iterators, and collections focusing on performance characteristics. When checking out the runtime performance and memory characteristics between these materialized collections and iterator benchmarks, I was very surprised! Check out this article for performance benchmark characteristics and some curious finds.
Without a doubt you've had to ask yourself, "What is the best beginner programming language?" if you're new to programming. This article will help you decide!
If you're writing asynchronous code in C# and using EventHandlers, odds are you've had issues with exceptions. Task EventHandlers might be consideration!
Dealing with async EventHandlers in C# can be very problematic. async void is a pattern cause headaches with exceptions. Check out this simple solution!
New to C# and looking to understand more about the IEnumerable interface? Check out this article for a crash course on getting started with C# IEnumerable!
Most intermediate dotnet devs writing async await code in C# will come across async void at some point. Here's a creative solution for avoiding the headaches.
Are you starting your career in software development? Check out this FAQ-style article for tips on applying for jobs, reaching out, and interviewing!
Starting your career in software development? Here are some frequently asked questions about post secondary education working towards this!
Unit tests or functional tests? What's the difference and which ones should you be using? Find out in this super quick compare-and-contrast!
xUnit tests not running with .NET standard project settings? Here's a super quick solution to get you back up and running so you can test away!
Looking to get started using dependency injection with Autofac in your projects? Here's a quick primer on what it is and how to get going for your next project.
Are you interested in learning about interfaces in C#? This article explains the idea behind a C# interface by showing examples of interfaces in code.