Behind The Screen - 2023 April, Week 4
Welcome to another Behind The Screen vlog from Dev Leader! Here's a look into my life outside of all of the things you see on social media and my content!
Welcome to another Behind The Screen vlog from Dev Leader! Here's a look into my life outside of all of the things you see on social media and my content!
Welcome to another Behind The Screen vlog from Dev Leader! Here's a look into my life outside of all of the things you see on social media and my content!
Welcome to another Behind The Screen vlog from Dev Leader! Here's a look into my life outside of all of the things you see on social media and my content!
Welcome to another Behind The Screen vlog from Dev Leader! Here's a look into my life outside of all of the things you see on social media and my content!
The facade pattern is useful for hiding complexity by moving dependencies behind an API. Let's dive into the facade design pattern in C# in this article!
Welcome to another Behind The Screen vlog from Dev Leader! Here's a look into my life outside of all of the things you see on social media and my content!
Welcome to another Behind The Screen vlog from Dev Leader! Here's a look into my life outside of all of the things you see on social media and my content!
I wanted to create a follow-up post in my series on IEnumerables, iterators, and collections focusing on performance characteristics. When checking out the runtime performance and memory characteristics between these materialized collections and iterator benchmarks, I was very surprised! Check out this article for performance benchmark characteristics and some curious finds.
As an engineering leader, does it make sense to approach things as hands-on management and writing code? Let's see when it makes sense, and when it doesn't.
Welcome to another Behind The Screen vlog from Dev Leader! Here's a look into my life outside of all of the things you see on social media and my content!