Dapper And Strongly Typed IDs - How To Dynamically Register Mappings
How can we use Dapper and strongly typed IDs from the StronglyTypedId package? Let's see if we can generalize the guidance from the original author!
How can we use Dapper and strongly typed IDs from the StronglyTypedId package? Let's see if we can generalize the guidance from the original author!
How can you use an IServiceCollection in console applications to get dependency injection? Is this a viable option if you don't want to use Autofac?
Learn how to use Autofac ComponentRegistryBuilder in ASP.NET Core! We'll see how we can move closer to getting the C# plugin architecture support we want!
Learn how to use Autofac ContainerBuilder in ASP.NET Core to wire up dependency injection. I'll explore what we can and cannot do with this approach!
Learn how to use AutofacServiceProviderFactory in ASP.NET Core for dependency injection! This article explains how to set it up along with the pros and cons.
Learn how to use MudBlazor with Blazor interactive SSR! Blazor's Server Side Rendering can be used alongside MudBlazor for building your next Blazor app!
Learn how exception handling works in C# with the basics of try catch. This article is perfect for junior software engineers aiming to understand dotnet and C#.
Learn how to effectively convert a string to a byte array in C#! While it might seem straightforward on the surface, we have encodings to consider!
Want to add API key authentication middleware into your ASP.NET Core application? Check out this article for a simple code example that shows you how!
I tried to get C# regular expression benchmarks in my original article, but messed up a critical assumption. Let's see how to fix that and get the real data!
Regular expressions are powerful for pattern matching, but what about performance? Check out this article for details on C# regex performance from benchmarks!
Check these examples of composition in C#! Learn about composition in object-oriented programming with these simple code examples in C# - perfect for beginners!
See examples of inheritance in C# in this introductory guide to object oriented programming. Learn about when to use inheritance in C# and... when not to!
Check out these 3 simple examples of regular expressions in C#! If you're new to regex and coding in CSharp, these are a perfect starting point for you!
Regular expressions are powerful for pattern matching, but what are the regex options in C# that we have access to? What do they do and how can we use them?
Check out these benchmarks measuring collection initializer performance in C#. How the heck did I speed up C# collection initialization by 87%?!
See code examples for C# collection initializers and collection expressions! Compare and contrast the readability of these different examples.
Curious about C# MongoDB insert benchmarks? In this article, I show you BenchmarkDotNet code and the results for several variations of inserting data!
Learn how to use C# Testcontainers for MongoDB! If you're developing a dotnet application and want to use MongoDB, Testcontainers can be a HUGE asset!
See code examples for how to delete documents from MongoDB in C#. This article covers the basics of different methods you can use to delete records from Mongo!
See code examples for how to update MongoDB documents in C#. This article covers the basics of different methods you can use to update records.
Learn the basics of MongoDB Filtering in C# with simple code examples! See how to use the MongoDB FilterDefinitionBuilder to support filtering in MongoDB.
This article explains the basics of inserting documents into MongoDB in C#. See code examples of InsertOne, InsertMany, and their async counterparts.
Running into issues with your Blazor render mode? In my case, I didn't even know it was breaking my dependency injection AND my event handlers. My error though!
See how you can use MudBlazor list items to make awesome GUIs! Properly leverage the MustList and MudListItem controls to get custom user interfaces!
Learn how to use Autofac in ASP NET Core applications with only a couple of lines of code! Avoid this common problem when setting up dependency injection.
Check out these 7 C# project ideas for beginners to help escape from tutorial hell! These C# project ideas will give you hands-on practice writing software.
Using reflection in DotNet to create object instances? See the performance of ConstructorInfo compared to other methods provided by reflection in DotNet!
Learn how to safely use async event handlers in C#. Understand the dangers and discover best practices for managing async event handlers in your C# code.
Learn about plugin architecture in C# to create extensible apps! This article provides examples with code snippets to explain how to start with C# plugins.
Learn how to automatically cast between types in C#! Leveraging implicit operators in C#, we can do away with explicit casts to convert between types.
Learn why async void methods in C# can be dangerous with clear code examples. A perfect for beginner software engineers wanting to understand the risks.
See how to use the Extract Method refactoring technique to get started on your journey to being more skilled at refactoring! Check out this C# code example!
Learn how to use BenchmarkDotNet to effectively create and run benchmarks on your C# code. Dig into where you have opportunities to optimize your C# code!
Learn how to perform implicit conversions by using implicit operators in C#. This is a helpful feature that can enhance readability when done with care.
Learn how to use Polly in C# to handle faults and retries with ease! Check these 3 code examples showcasing different use cases of Polly in C#!
Learn how to use Scrutor in C# for dependency injection with these 3 simple tips. Try out Scrutor in your next C# application and simplify your registrations!
Learn about efficiently refactoring C# code with these 4 simple techniques! Follow along with code examples that show you how to approach refactoring.
Leverage Activator.CreateInstance in C#, part of reflection in C#, to create object instances! This beginner's guide walks you through simple C# code examples.
Dive into async await in C# with these 3 beginner tips. Learn how to write async await code, handle multiple exceptions, and avoid dreaded deadlocks!
Reflection in C# is powerful, but with great power comes great responsibility. Check out these 4 quick examples of reflection in C# to see it in action!
Learn how to use Autofac in C# for dependency injection! Check out these three code examples to help you get started with dependency injection in C#.
Considering C# as you get started on your programming journey? This article is focused on C# for beginners, and I've included 5 concepts from C# with code!
Learn about IServiceCollection in C# and dependency injection. See how Dependency Inversion, Single Responsibility, and Open/Closed Principles fit together!
Leverage NUNit in ASP.NET Core for crafting reliable code with confidence! Learn to create tests, use advanced techniques, and improve your code quality!
Interested in using Google Drive and Google Sheets in C#? Get started with the Google Sheets API to access spreadsheets in C# in your own dotnet applications!
Learn how to leverage xUnit in ASP.NET Core tests with simple code examples. See how to write easy-to-understand test code and cover your ASP.NET Core apps!
Explore the integration of C# Clean Architecture with MediatR for maintainable, scalable code! Learn how these work together with C# code examples!
Discover the benefits of middleware in ASP.NET Core, including flexibility and modularity. Learn about middleware like authentication and logging!
Learn about different types of middleware and how to implement custom middleware in ASP.NET Core to solve common challenges in web development!
Are you looking for the best C# books for beginner developers? Check out this list to see my pick for best books for C# developers that are getting started.
Learn about the pipeline design pattern in C#. Discover how to create and chain pipeline stages. Get code examples, tips, and use cases for this design pattern.
Learn about the Specification Design Pattern in C# and its benefits for your code. See how this pattern can improve code quality and how to implement it!
What is Inversion of Control? Learn about Inversion of Control (IOC) and Dependency Injection and how it can be applied in real-world scenarios.
Wondering how to compare strings in CSharp? We'll compare using string.Equals(), string.Compare(), and == operator to weigh the pros and the cons.
We're done with excuses! No more claims that when dealing with legacy code your changes can't be tested! Check out this strategy to make anything more testable.
What is string interpolation in C#? Learn about its definition, syntax, and benefits for improving code readability and efficiency. Check out this guide!
Discover what is the Factory Software Pattern in C# and when it should be implemented. Learn about the benefits and drawbacks of this pattern in detail!
Learn how to make your code more readable, flexible, and maintainable with CSharp optional parameters. Check out these examples of optional parameters in C#!
Check out this article to see how we can use System.Reactive (Rx) to implement the observer pattern to deal with event-driven scenarios! Source code included!
Discover how to master the CSharp switch statement to make your code more effective and efficient. Follow along with C# switch statement examples!
Looking for an online C# compiler? DotNetFiddle is a convenient online C# compiler that's free to use. But what are all of the features of DotNetFiddle?
Looking for a kickstart to your vertical slice architecture in your next ASP.NET project? Check our this vertical slice project template to get started!
In this CSharp switch statement tutorial, you'll learn how to properly use switch statements in your programs. Explore examples, features, and best practices!
Unit test your Blazor project! Improve code quality and catch bugs early with improved test coverage. Check out this Blazor unit testing tutorial now!
Looking to enhance your C# coding skills? Learn how to use enums in Csharp with this beginner guide, including best practices, limitations, and examples.
Improve your Blazor unit testing! Look no further than this article on Blazor unit testing with bUnit. Get started from scratch and write useful tests!
Learn about reflection in CSharp and how it can be used. See how reflection in C# allows you to explore and modify objects, classes, and assemblies at runtime.
Learn about exceptions in CSharp and effective exception handling. We'll cover try-catch blocks and other tips for working with exceptions in C#!
Want to simplify complex subsystems in your C# project? Learn about the Facade Pattern in C#. Explore an implementation and real-world examples in this article!
Let's learn how to make a budgeting app in C#! We'll dive into ASP.NET Core Blazor, the basics of the app, and even VPS hosting options like RackNerd!
Learn how to build a personal website in Blazor and ASP.NET Core to show case your skills and experiences. Get started with our ASP.NET Core tutorial today!
Learn how to call JavaScript from Blazor web assembly using JavaScript Interop in this guide! Perfect for developers learning more about Blazor web assembly!
Learn how to make a todo list in C# using ASP.NET Core and tackle data binding and user interface design. Blazor todo list - Perfect for a beginner portfolio!
If you want to see examples of the builder pattern in C#, dive into this article. We'll explore how the builder pattern in C# works with code examples!
Interested in building web applications? ASP.NET Core is a powerful dotnet tech stack for just that! Here are all of the details for ASP.NET Core for beginners!
If you want to get started with web development in dotnet core, check this out! We'll get you up and running in VS Code for ASP.NET Core web development!
If you want to get started with web development in dotnet core, check this out! We'll get you up and running in Visual Studio for ASP.NET Core web development!
If you're looking to create and analyze dotnet benchmarks, you'll want to get started with BenchmarkDotNet. We'll explore benchmarking in C# to get you started!
Want to have a plugin architecture that supports dynamic loading for Blazor? Follow this tutorial for a Blazor plugin architecture that leverages Autofac!
Like building ASP.NET web applications and want to maximize extensibility? This guide is a how-to on using a plugin architecture in Blazor. Check it out!
While I promote interfaces in C#, it felt necessary to cover the drawbacks of using interfaces in C#. Let's explore the drawbacks to using interfaces in C#!
Whether it's an ASP.NET Core or console app, we can use the decorator pattern with Autofac for powerful results! Let's explore an Autofac example for each!
Learning about Object Oriented Programming? We'll cover what are classes in C# and look at OOP and interfaces in C# to learn about when we should use them!
After some of the basics of dictionaries in C#, what else do dictionaries in dotnet have to offer us? Let's dive in before we get into the performance deep end!
Dictionaries in C# are heavily used by all levels of software developers. Let's look at some dictionary use cases and comparisons to other collections in C#!
Have you ever wanted to change a picture into ASCII art? Now you can with your very own C# program that can generate ASCII art! Sample code included!
In C#, how can we balance asynchrony and laziness? Is there such a thing as async lazy? Let's explore our options built into dotnet!
Implicit operators in C# are a feature that can make our code more readable and expressive. But beware! Misuse can backfire and cause a great deal of headaches!
Let's dive into the plugin architecture design pattern, exploring how it can be leveraged in ASP.NET Core to create more flexible and maintainable applications.
Want to see how implicit operators work in C#? Check out this example code to see how you can make a multi-type object in dotnet that uses implicit operators!
The facade pattern is useful for hiding complexity by moving dependencies behind an API. Let's dive into the facade design pattern in C# in this article!
I wanted to create a follow-up post in my series on IEnumerables, iterators, and collections focusing on performance characteristics. When checking out the runtime performance and memory characteristics between these materialized collections and iterator benchmarks, I was very surprised! Check out this article for performance benchmark characteristics and some curious finds.
Dealing with async EventHandlers in C# can be very problematic. async void is a pattern cause headaches with exceptions. Check out this simple solution!
New to C# and looking to understand more about the IEnumerable interface? Check out this article for a crash course on getting started with C# IEnumerable!
Most intermediate dotnet devs writing async await code in C# will come across async void at some point. Here's a creative solution for avoiding the headaches.