How To Organize Autofac Modules: 5 Tips For Organizing Code

In the realm of modern software development, dependency injection has emerged as a pivotal technique, ensuring that applications are scalable, maintainable, and testable. At its essence, dependency injection is about providing objects with the dependencies they need, rather than having them construct dependencies directly. This promotes the SOLID principles, particularly the Dependency Inversion Principle, which C# developers hold dear. For developers using Autofac for their dependency injection in C#, a question that comes up early is how to organize Autofac modules.

Autofac is not just another DI container; it's a tool that has been embraced by the C# community for its ease of use and extensive features. One of Autofac's standout features is its module system, which plays a crucial role in organizing and managing dependency registrations, ensuring that as your project grows, your code remains clean and organized.

In this article, you'll find 5 tips to help with bringing clarity to your registration code and it should help you answer how to organize Autofac modules. Let's dive in!

What Are Autofac Modules?

Autofac modules are essentially a grouping mechanism, allowing developers to segregate and manage their registrations in a modular fashion. Think of them as neatly organized containers within the main container, each holding a specific set of related registrations.

The beauty of Autofac modules lies in their ability to encapsulate related dependencies, making it easier to manage, update, or replace specific groups of registrations without affecting others. For instance, you might have a module dedicated to data access, another for business logic, and yet another for third-party integrations. This modular approach not only enhances code readability but also promotes a clear separation of concerns, ensuring that each module has a single responsibility.

By following some general guidelines and best practices, you can decide how to organize Autofac modules in your code base to maximize clarity. If you're still looking for a primer on Autofac, you can check out this video:

The Need to OrganizeAutofac Modules

As with any software project, as it grows and evolves, the number of dependencies can balloon. This growth, if not managed properly, can lead to a tangled web of registrations, making it challenging to discern relationships and dependencies at a glance. One of the reasons we use dependency injection frameworks is to get rid of the large amount of initialization code at the start of our C# programs. Autofac modules can let us do this in an organized way.

Disorganized code, especially in the context of dependency injection, can have several adverse effects:

  1. Maintainability Issues: Navigating and updating a cluttered registration setup can be a nightmare. It becomes harder to introduce changes without inadvertently affecting unrelated parts of the application.
  2. Scalability Concerns: As the project grows, a messy DI setup can become a bottleneck. Adding new features or making modifications might require extensive refactoring, slowing down development.
  3. Increased Error Potential: With a lack of clear organization, the chances of introducing errors or conflicts in registrations increase. This can lead to runtime errors, which are often harder to debug.
  4. Onboarding Challenges: For new team members or even seasoned developers revisiting the code after some time, a disorganized DI setup can be daunting. It increases the learning curve and can lead to inefficiencies.

In essence, while Autofac provides the tools to manage dependencies effectively, it's up to the developers to harness its power in a structured and organized manner. Organizing Autofac modules is not just a best practice; it's a necessity for sustainable and efficient software development in C#. In the next section, we'll see 5 ways to help with how to organize Autofac modules.

5 Effective Ways to Organize Your Autofac Modules

1. Group by Feature

One of the most intuitive ways for how to organize Autofac modules is by grouping registrations based on specific application features or domains. For instance, if your application has features related to user management, billing, and reporting, you can have separate modules for each of these features. This approach can work really well alongside delivering features as vertical slices and plugin architectures as well.


  • Easier Navigation: Developers can quickly locate and manage dependencies related to a specific feature without sifting through unrelated registrations.
  • Better Encapsulation: By isolating feature-specific dependencies, you ensure that changes in one module don't inadvertently affect another.
  • Improved Maintainability: As features evolve or get deprecated, managing their related dependencies becomes more straightforward.

2. Group by Layer

Another effective strategy for how to organize Autofac modules is to organize them based on the application's architectural layers. This could mean having separate modules for data access, business logic, presentation, and third-party integrations. Consider the architecture of your application and if this will make sense in your situation!


  • Clear Separation of Concerns: Each layer has a distinct responsibility, making it easier to manage and understand the flow of dependencies.
  • Modular Architecture: By decoupling layers, you can easily swap out or modify a specific layer without affecting the others.
  • Scalability: As your application grows, adding new layers or expanding existing ones becomes more manageable.

3. Use Descriptive Naming Conventions

The name of a module can convey a lot about its purpose and contents. By adopting a descriptive and consistent naming convention, you make it easier for developers to understand what each module encompasses at a glance. When you're considering how to organize Autofac modules, you'll want to invest some time into a good style of naming.


  • Use names that clearly indicate the module's purpose, such as UserManagementModule or BillingServicesModule.
  • Avoid generic or ambiguous names that don't provide clarity.
  • Stay consistent in your naming approach across all modules to avoid confusion.

4. Prioritize Common Dependencies

In any sizable application, there are bound to be dependencies that are used across multiple features or layers. Instead of scattering these common dependencies across various modules, consider creating a core or common module.


  • Reduced Duplication: Centralizing common dependencies means you don't have to register them in multiple places.
  • Centralized Management: Any changes or updates to common dependencies can be made in one place, ensuring consistency across the application.
  • Easier Updates: When a common dependency needs an update or replacement, you only have to modify it in one location.

5. Leverage Autofac's Module Scanning

Autofac comes equipped with a powerful feature known as module scanning. This allows the container to automatically discover and load modules from assemblies, reducing the need for manual configuration and registration.

How it works:

  • By marking your modules with a specific attribute, Autofac can identify and load them during the application's startup.
  • This approach is especially beneficial for large applications with numerous modules, as it automates the discovery process and ensures that no module is accidentally left out.

By leveraging module scanning, you can further streamline your dependency management process, making your application more robust and maintainable.

Beyond Modules: Best Practices in Dependency Injection with Autofac

In the realm of C# development, dependency injection is a critical aspect of modern software design. It's not just about injecting dependencies; it's about inverting control, promoting loose coupling, and enhancing testability. Autofac, a prominent dependency injection container in the C# ecosystem, plays a pivotal role in this paradigm shift.

Inversion of Control in C#: At its essence, inversion of control (IoC) is about relinquishing the responsibility of creating and managing object lifetimes. Instead of the application taking charge, this responsibility is handed over to an IoC container, like Autofac. This shift not only simplifies object creation but also fosters a more modular and decoupled architecture.

Avoiding Pitfalls in Dependency Injection: As with any powerful tool, there's a right way and a wrong way to use Autofac. Here are some tips to keep you on the straight and narrow:

  • Stay Lean: It's tempting to register every single class in Autofac, but ask yourself: does this class genuinely benefit from dependency injection? Over-reliance on the container can lead to bloated configurations and reduced clarity.
  • Be Explicit: Ambiguous registrations can lead to runtime errors or unexpected behaviors. Always ensure that your registrations are precise and that there's no ambiguity about which implementation should be used for a given interface.
  • Leverage Autofac's Features: Autofac offers a plethora of features, from property injection to instance scopes. Familiarize yourself with these features and use them judiciously to optimize your dependency management.

Summarizing How To Organize Autofac Modules

Organized code is the bedrock of maintainable and scalable software. When it comes to dependency management and dependency injection in C#, this principle holds even more weight. As applications grow and evolve, the complexity of their dependencies can spiral out of control if not managed effectively. This is where Autofac modules come into play, offering a structured and organized approach to dependency registration.

By leveraging the power of Autofac and adhering to best practices, developers can ensure that their applications remain agile, testable, and easy to maintain. Whether you're a seasoned developer or just starting out with dependency injection in C#, there's always room to refine and optimize your approach. I've been using Autofac for years now, and I'm still learning the benefits and useful patterns that the framework offers!

So, as you delve deeper into the world of C# development, take a moment to review your current Autofac configurations. Consider the organization strategies discussed in this article and see how they can be applied to your projects. Remember, well-organized code isn't just a luxury; it's a necessity for long-term success in software development. And if you'd like more tips on software engineering delivered right to your inbox, subscribe to my newsletter!

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