How To Use IServiceCollection in Console Applications - What You Need To Know
How can you use an IServiceCollection in console applications to get dependency injection? Is this a viable option if you don't want to use Autofac?
How can you use an IServiceCollection in console applications to get dependency injection? Is this a viable option if you don't want to use Autofac?
Learn how to use Autofac ComponentRegistryBuilder in ASP.NET Core! We'll see how we can move closer to getting the C# plugin architecture support we want!
Learn how to use Autofac ContainerBuilder in ASP.NET Core to wire up dependency injection. I'll explore what we can and cannot do with this approach!
Learn how to use AutofacServiceProviderFactory in ASP.NET Core for dependency injection! This article explains how to set it up along with the pros and cons.
Running into issues with your Blazor render mode? In my case, I didn't even know it was breaking my dependency injection AND my event handlers. My error though!
Learn how to use Autofac in ASP NET Core applications with only a couple of lines of code! Avoid this common problem when setting up dependency injection.
Learn how to use Scrutor in C# for dependency injection with these 3 simple tips. Try out Scrutor in your next C# application and simplify your registrations!
Learn how to use Autofac in C# for dependency injection! Check out these three code examples to help you get started with dependency injection in C#.
Scrutor vs Autofac in C#! Which one comes out on top between these two solutions for dependency injection in dotnet? See how each are used with code examples!
Learn about IServiceCollection in C# and dependency injection. See how Dependency Inversion, Single Responsibility, and Open/Closed Principles fit together!
What is Inversion of Control? Learn about Inversion of Control (IOC) and Dependency Injection and how it can be applied in real-world scenarios.
You've started using Autofac for dependency injection in C#, but now you're wondering how to organize Autofac modules most effectively. Dive in for 5 easy tips!
If you're familiar with Autofac and module registration but want to make things easier, automatic module discovery might be for you! Let's see how it works!
Want more flexible, extensible, and testable code? We'll use Autofac net core! What is Autofac? It's a powerful Dependency Injection framework in dotnet!
Organizing code into Autofac modules can make maintaining code much easier and improve extensibility! It all starts with the Autofac module class. Check it out!
Looking to get started using dependency injection with Autofac in your projects? Here's a quick primer on what it is and how to get going for your next project.
An example in C# about how to create a singleton with support for dependency injection or inversion of control (IOC).