Informal Leadership in Software Engineering - What You Need To Progress

Unfortunately, it still seems that it’s not commonly understood that soft skills in software engineering are critical. But these are the foundation for being able to lean into informal leadership in software engineering— something that will be vital for progressing in your career.

But what is informal leadership? Before we get there, let’s start with leadership itself:
Our ability to influence and guide others.

Let's dive into what this leadership business is all about.

What's In This Article: Informal Leadership in Software Engineering

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Formal Leadership in Software Engineering

In software engineering, among other professions, many often consider those in higher-up roles to be the “leaders”. The CEO, the VPs, the executives… Those are the leaders within the company.

The perception of those in leadership extends to those in management roles as well. These are the individuals who are leading specific teams, after all, so it makes sense that they’re also leaders.

What I’d like to draw your attention to is that the roles these individuals have by definition include some type of leadership expectation. But leadership itself is a trait that one can possess, and on its own is not a title. So for these individuals, we say that they are in “formal leadership” positions because as non-individual contributors (non-ICs), we expect that their position requires a demonstration of leadership to be effective.