How To Call JavaScript From Blazor Web Assembly - Breaking Boundaries with JavaScript Interop

Blazor is a technology that allows developers to create web applications using C# and .NET instead of traditional client-side JavaScript. With Blazor, developers can build interactive web applications that run fully on the client-side without relying on server-side rendering. This can lead to a smoother user experience and improved performance. However, using Blazor doesn't necessarily mean that developers should abandon JavaScript entirely. In fact, Blazor supports JavaScript Interop, which allows developers to call JavaScript functions from C# and vice versa. In this article, we'll dive into how to call JavaScript from Blazor Web Assembly using JavaScript Interop and provide examples of how this can be done. Whether you're new to Blazor or simply want to push its capabilities further, this article will have something for you.

Background on Blazor and JavaScript Interop

Blazor is a web framework built on .NET that allows developers to build client-side web applications using C#. In other words, it allows developers to use C# to create interactive client-side experiences. One important concept in Blazor is JavaScript Interop.

JavaScript Interop is a feature of Blazor that allows developers to call JavaScript functions from C# and vice versa. This feature is very important because it enables developers to use third-party JavaScript libraries and APIs with Blazor. This is important because, as much as Blazor is a powerful web development framework, it doesn't provide the same level of functionality as some popular JavaScript libraries.